Why does TCA use the Child & Community Behavior Change program..? "
TCA, we believe that the increase in horrific cases of violence against children and the abuse of their basic rights is not only a national problem, but should be interpreted as a global crisis.
The disaster; It is caused by many factors, including the increase in the global economic crisis, disasters caused by climate change, political conflicts, the expansion of war zones around the world, as well as the increase in global interaction, between society and society, nation and the nation.
The well-being of the interaction is the result of the strengthening of transport services, use of science and communication technology, all of which together have greatly affected the traditions and customs of the lifestyle in our communities around the world, a situation that leads to a big crack in many families and society in general.
Since the level of privacy, in society, family and individual, has dropped a lot due to the increase in the use of artificial intelligence and people imitating behavior or culture that is not their own, thus increasing the tension in society. The confusion of all these together has negatively affected human behavior and led to an unsafe lifestyle for many communities and families.
While the biggest victim in all of this is the child due to his dependent situation. This is the reason why TCA came up with a special program for children and communities to change their behavior, believing that when you correct the dangerous behavior of children and families, that situation will help to get a prosperous society, and if we get a prosperous society, then it will lead to the fulfillment of the TCA Vision of having a Tanzanian nation friendly to the well-being of children; since, the integrity of leaders and rulers is the result of the families they come from and the environment they were raised in.
This is to say that the foundation of the nation is the family, and dangerous behavior is the poison of the family, so when you deal with positive changes in behavior at the family level, know that you are healing the nation and helping dependent groups and children to get their basic rights and prosper".