Tanzania Child Awareness (TCA) is a nonprofit Organization, registered nationally under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act no. 24 of the year 2002.
The organization has its headquarters opposite TANZAM Road/Iringa Road, Farms House, House No 94, Visegese Street, Chamwino- Morogoro in United Republic of Tanzania.
TCA works more closely with individual children at the community level, through various programs implemented by TCA under the philosophy of "child and community behaviral change"
We have good results of increasing understanding among children, parents and society as well as correcting negative attitudes or inappropriate behavior among them. In addition, we help to bring out and develop the talent of the child, as well as helping to solve the parental challenges in a friendly way, in order to reduce the use of unnecessary force, which can lead to incidents of violence against children. The goal is to contribute and support the efforts of the government of the United Republic of Tanzania in improving a friendly environment for the implementation of the national goals of child development and eradicating all forms of violence against children at the community level. For having a prosperous society that respects the wishes of the child's law No. 21 of 2019. Which basically, is the main operational guide for all TCA activities.
Tanzania friendly to child welfare
Contributing to the achievement of Tanzania with a child-friendly society. We do this through cooperation with various stakeholders in child development.
The constitution objectives are based on lessons learnt and our accumulated experience in work with vulnerable groups, Community, Government and development partners. We are focusing clearly on national plan and building resilience capacities of the target groups to contribute on implementation of Child act and national child sustainable development goals through the following specific objectives.
Unity and national nationalism, Gender equality, Learning and change, Justice and responsibility, Creativity and professionalism.